SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a series of processes that aim for a web page to get the best search results at a search engines. SEO aims to create a web page to be in the highest position and make a profit with that position.

The article to shot key world SEO
Hmmm... sebenarnya ini keyword SEO yang coba-coba. Kali aja nembus di papan atas :D

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  1. greeting for yoy
    talk about SEO its never lasting and ending so ti get the great rank or best in saw for seo must can to do the best act.sory i was late

  2. SEO = Sekolah Entok Opp kalau kakak q mb' Dhana/戴安娜 bilang, kalau udah bicara masalah SEO saya mah ngikutin alurnya saja, kalau terlalu aq fikirin malah bikin ngelu nih kepala, ok deh sukses untuk kontesnya sob


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