How to cope with Vertigo Disease

How to cope with Vertigo Disease
Vertigo is a symptom of a headache that can happen to anyone, ranging from symptoms of mild to quite severe. Vertigo can be marked by a sense of dizziness as the head rotates and inverted vision. As a result, patients experience dizziness that is and will not be able to get up because of dizziness.

Causes of Vertigo
Dizziness is actually a common symptom associated with various disorders.

Causes of dizziness may be related to the nervous system, but can be derived from ENT, heart, eye, and even mentally. After all dizziness complaints, ranging from mild to severe, should be evaluated carefully for a source and a clear cause can be found in order to obtain optimal treatment or handling.

How to cope with Vertigo Disease
Generally vertigo that often occur in everyday life associated with balance disorders or medical term is called vertibular. In this case the patient does not feel dizzy if she was sitting or standing. But the change of position, such as sleeping on your back and then tilted to the side of a disturbed then there comes the vertigo attacks. 

Not only that, the movement of the head or the body is also able to stimulate the emergence of an attack of vertigo, which is like a movement backwards and forwards. Mild vertigo usually lasts only a few seconds.

How to cope with Vertigo Disease
Symptoms of vertigo can be triggered by various things, such as hormonal disorders, one of which is characterized by acne, fatigue, stress, lack of rest and so forth. There is one form of exercise that can be tried be done to overcome the vertigo attacks. Special exercises called Vestibular exercises are as follows:

  • Stand up straight, eyes open and close. Do it five times.
  • Train the play head movement. First, stick your chin to your chest, then move or turn your head to the left, continue up to the starting position. Then change direction, with the start to the right. Each direction to do 3 times.
  • Do also move down slowly, then looked up, repeat 3 times. Train also tilted head movement, which try to stick to the left ear to left shoulder. Hold up to 15 seconds, then do the opposite movement. Repeat masig each direction 3 times. 
How to cope with Vertigo Disease
  • Sit with spine upright, eyes open. Then stand. When the body has proper standing, close the eyes. Repeat 3 times.
  • Train the eye ball movement to the right and left (horizontal) with eyes open. Repeat each direction 3 times. Then continued by moving the eye balls in a vertical, top and bottom.
Photo How to cope with Vertigo Disease
How to cope with Vertigo Disease


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